You can order these cool guys in any color(s) you want at either of these web addresses:
I think you may need to sign up with octobertoys (something I still need to do), but then just say that you want one (either a specifically colored body, a random colored body, or a head), and marty will hook you up!
You can also visit Marty at or Matt Doughty at, they always have cool stuff cooking.
Also, I've had a portfolio page for a little while now, and I forgot to announce it. You can click on it above or click here:
It shows some of the nutty stuff I've been up to. I am considering dividing it up into sections like illustration and concept design, sculptures of my own design, and sculptures for clients (primarily NECA).
Thanks for your support! Remember, buying one of these directly encourages me to make more "indy" work in the future, so I genuinely appreciate it.